Title:  Grandma Brown’s and Aunt B’s Cinnamon Bread    




˝ Cup of Crisco or Parkay Maragine

2 Cups of Sugar

2 Eggs

2 Cups of Buttermilk

4 Cups Flour

2 Teaspoons Soda

1 Cup of Sugar

2 Tablespoons of Cinnamon




Mix 4 Cups of Flour and 2 Teaspoons of Soda


Creme the Margarine, Sugar and Eggs


Add alternately the Buttermilk and the Flour Mixture


Make up a Mixture of 1 Cup of Sugar and 2 Tablespoons of Cinnamon


Pour small amount of batter into a greased and lightly floured Bread Pan

Sprinkle with your sugar and cinnamon mixture – Dot with butter

Repeat this about 3 times for each loaf of bread

Using a medium bread pan, this will make 2 loaves

Bake at 350 Degrees for app 1 hour-  Test with a tooth pick