About 3 to 4 pounds extra meaty loin back ribs or something similar
Commercial barbeque sauce. Recommend Rufus Teague Honey Barbeque Sauce.
(A good substitute is Cookie’s Sweet and Savory)
Sprinkle ribs with salt and pepper and place them in a
refrigerator bag. Marinate them in a
commercial barbecue sauce for 2 to 4 hours.
Remove the marinated ribs and rinse off the excess marinade. Place the ribs in a Dutch oven with about 2
inches of water, cover and bake at 325 degrees until cooked. (about an hour and
fifteen minutes). Remove from the Dutch
oven and place the ribs on a medium hot grill.
Cook for another 12-15 minutes, turning occasionally, and basting with
the Rufus Teague Honey BBQ Sauce or Cookie’s Sweet and Savory Barbecue Sauce.