Into 2,
28 ounce cans Bush Beans (Original) mix:
3 to 4
tablespoons brown sugar
teaspoons prepared mustard
one-third cup Heinz catsup
Mix the
ingredients and bake at least one hour at 300 to 400 degrees F.
overbake. If you want to bake longer
adjust heat accordingly. The top should
be semi-solid, beans moist.
These beans
can easily be prepared on an outdoor gas grill. Put the grill on low heat (about 400 degrees) and place the
beans, covered with tin foil, on the grill warming shelf for about two
hours. After two hours, fold back the
foil about half way and cook for another ten or fifteen minutes (again, don't
over cook). Remove the beans and put
them in a cold indoor oven until serving time.
This way, they will be hot and just about right for serving.